Monday, December 28, 2009

....Time goes by fast!

It's already the end of December...Christmas is over and New Years Eve is this Thursday! Time sure has gone by fast. I can't believe Robby has to leave this Saturday. :[ I will be visiting him in February but still...I wish he could stay a bit longer but his ID expires on Sunday so he has to go home before he's unable to use it.

I'm just sitting on my couch in the livingroom right now and he's next to me on his laptop, eating the last corn dog I cooked up for him.

Cosplay update? There's nothing new! Sad, I know....but I did get a JoAnn's giftcard so I am happy about that. Robby offered to buy me fabric but I don't think I will have him get me any. He has spoiled me enough.. >.<; I did get a pic from Kay-chan though of her in her top for her Shigure cosplay. I'm pretty excited! I am definitely looking forward to that even more now.

....I feel kind of tired and I keep coughing. My cold has been gone but I've had an annoying cough lately. It's not so bad now but it's still annoying! :P

Anyway...I think I will go for now. I am sorry my posts have been lame...they will get exciting once I'm not so distracted by my fiance ^^;; Don't stop following (T__T);

WiiResort is really fun!! :O I also got Harvest Moon: Animal Parade... It's like an upgraded version of HM:Tree of Tranquility.


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