Thursday, December 17, 2009

P. Agitha & Mercedes got a little love...

I painted the beetle pendant that Princess Agitha wears on her necklace of mini beetles.... and then I started working on the flowers for Mercedes. I didn't finish much because it was my dad's birthday and then I left to help my mom with some Christmas shopping out of town... I got back kind of late. My anxiety started acting up, which I hate. :( I was worrying about this bladder infection I kind of have. I think I caught it in time and have been fighting it off with LOTS of water and cranberry pills/Juice... which really helps apparently. IF it does get worse or isn't gone by tomorrow then I plan on going to the doctors. It seems to be going away though, so I don't know!
I'm just praying it will go away, because I am..kind of poor right now? :(

On a lighter note! My mom bought me a zipper for Ayame's pants...and a cute hat that was on sale at Khols. >.>; It's one of those plaid ones with the ear flaps and fur on the inside. I love it :D It's part of my Christmas gift I guess....She likes just getting things around Christmas time

..but the best thing of all is that.... my fiance will be here tomorrow (since today is Thursday now...)!! ^_______________________^ So I am very excited. I might not post as much either while he is here...because I'll be busy snuggling and going all kinds of places. We like to have fun and enjoy our time together. :] He will be officially out of the Navy so I am really glad! Unfortunately he is not from around here, so he will only be visiting for a while then go back home...and in February I will go to stay with him for a while....but anyway...I don't want to ramble on about non-cosplay stuff.

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