Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So I decided to get a Blog...again.

Been a few years but I decided to start a Blog once again. I guess it's a combination of a few things; the first that I miss writing and the second is because fans have been demanding it. Guess my website, Facebook fan page, Deviant Art, Twitter and Flickr account aren't enough. *sigh*

This past Saturday I went to Comic Fusion to meet up with my gal pal Hannah (the best Harley Quinn cosplayer in the world) and help raise money for charity. It was fun and I met two of her other lovely cosplay friends. They were both super sweet girls and the total the store ended up raising was something like $15,000. Yay! You can see all the pics on my Facebook Fan Page:

I'm going to another comic show this weekend after my CPR class. I think I'm going to go as Black Canary for that show and wear the corset and not the body suit. I'll also add a black ribbon on my neck and the jacket of course.

My personal life is incredibly hectic right now. My brother is in the hospital, work is stressing me out (that's what happens when you work for a greedy corporation instead of a school district) and I had a falling out with a "friend" who was more than a friend and who was abusive on so many levels. I don't understand why I stick with certain people and do so much for them just so they can treat me like shit. This guy, let's call him Spike, was seriously lucky I ever entered his life and all I ever tried to do was help him. I sacraficed so much. There were times he was a doll and we had fun but then he would snap and was just cruel, controlling, manipulative, used me, did things on purpose to hurt me and put me down. This coming from someone who is broke, a high school drop out, up until recently was unemployeed, still lives at home with daddy and the only thing he has going for him is his looks (which will eventually fade). Why did I waste my time? Guess I felt like he needed me and I could help him but in the end I was abused in ways I don't even want to say publically. This is what happens when I care about someone; I end up getting hurt. Tired of this.

I may have to see a shrink or something. I thought what my ex did to me several years ago was bad, but this feels worse. I know I'm better off not talking or dealing with Spike anymore (going on 5 days now) but all of that hurt is still there...and it sucks when you live right upstairs from him.

This made me happy; seeing Jorge Garcia on the new Weezer album. I <3 him.

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