Friday, April 30, 2010

Work.. Work..

Up to my knees with work to do.. Making a work sample for a University I'm applying to and last year there were over 30 applicants per available spot so time to work hard and see if I make it in!

Won't be a whole lot of time for costume makers now for a while but I'll still do some of it. I've learnt not to start so late, taking it easier and spreading the work out over many weeks works out much better.

Made a full-size pattern of Vincents leather shirt/vest. I made it after a picture I found of a Vincent model in plastic, it showed the details of it that not even a 1080p 2h movie could not supply. It will require another 4 2-sided belts.. Ouch.

I'm also looking for a proper cosplay group in Sweden. I'd really like to find around 3-10 other cosplayers that I could join and together we would conquer the world! Nah but I'd want a group of people that also aim high and to be able to share ideas and knowledge would be of incredible worth. Not to mention a lot of fun, I mean, how can a bunch of people with the same general interests not have a good time? :D

I'm definately entering cosplay competitions this year. Entering one at Meuwcon, one at Umicon and ofcourse next Uppcon! At Uppcon I'll also bring a new costume. Not decided which yet, considered Sync the Tempest(Tales of the Abyss), Syaoran (Tsubasa) and many others. Tips are appreciated! Some characteristic character. Preferably from a reasonably well-known series/anime/manga/movie but not overplayed, like certain naruto characters are for example.

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