Monday, November 16, 2009

Auuughh..Less Harvest Moon more cosplay? :[

I'm freakin obsessed with Harvest Moon: Tree of Tanquility right now. I finally made my first 3 rainbows, I have two more to go. I can't wait until Julius moves in. I'm going to marry him~!!! XD He's sooo cute and loves Fashion like meee..rofl. Candace ain't got nothin' on me! (My rival in the game =.=)

Oh and no cosplay stuff today...MAYBE later tonight but I just got back from working a little while ago so I'm pretty tired and dirty. I need a hot shower....(e___e);

I'm thinking for the Sakura Blossom Festival in San Francisco next April I will cosplay as Maya from HM. :] It's three of the members in my cosplay group's birthday (including me) so I think we'll all be going to that. People cosplay to it! :D It'll be held in Japantown. ^~^

My Julius *~*!!!!!!! Yes, he's a he. >:O

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