Monday, January 31, 2011

Beautiful Yukishiro Tomoe Cosplay from Rurouni Kenshin

Beautiful Yukishiro Tomoe Cosplay
tomoe is a lover of Hitokiri Battousai, they first met when Tomeo come home, and accidentally saw Battousai was killing someone (in fact I was a bit forgot with the story of this Rouroni Kenshin anime  ^^", so if I'm wrong please in justified), and than Battousai take tomoe to his place, because she is a witness who can not be tolerated, but with time they like each other and fall in love xD, actually a nostalgic Anime.

I watch this anime since I was in elementary school, Rurouni Kenshin Anime movie really very cool, and sometimes I like to imitate the movements and jutsu of battosai in my class, and hit my classmate with a ruler Lol. I've got this Beautiful Yukishiro Tomoe Cosplay  pictures has been a long time, but always forget to post it. I liked the first picture, it is very similar and suited to my imagine tomoe ever. she was very pretty, not surprisingly, a sloughter like Hitorkiri Battousai fell in love with her >.<. although in the end he kills Tomeo! Beautiful Yukishiro Tomoe Cosplay!

Vocaloid's Hatsune Miku Cosplay

Saya kadang-kadang suka penasaran ingin tahu karakter apa sih yang sedang trend dalam acara-acara cosplay. Tentunya hal ini kembali ke selera asal para cosplayer. Namun demikian saya mendapati bahwa di situs tempat saya mendapatkan foto-foto cosplay, karakter Hatsune Miku merupakan karakter yang paling banyak diupload. Cukup mengagumkan mengingat bahwa Hatsune Miku bukanlah karakter dalam manga, anime ataupun game namun karakter dari sebuah perangkat lunak untuk menghasilkan nyanyian suara manusia yang bernama Vocaloid.
Ciri-ciri yang menonjol dari karakter ini adalah rambutnya yang berwarna biru aqua. Umumnya kostum yang dikenakan adalah kostum yang sama  dengan yang dipakainya dalam software Vocaloid. Namun ada juga cosplayer yang menggunakan kostum lain untuk memberikan nuansa yang berbeda seperti kostum perawat, gothic, bikini tergantung tema yang dibawakan. Yang jelas nuansa berwarna aqua nampak dominan pada karakter ini.
Berikut adalah karakter Hatsune Miku yang dibawakan oleh model cosplayer yang berbeda-beda:

Random Picture of the Day

Yeah, bad idea

Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: Chrome Dokuro and Hibari Kyoya

katekyo hitman reborn! cosplay - chrome dokuro and hibari kyoya by schoki and hibanatorWhen she was transferred into the future, Chrome’s physical condition became worse as her illusionary internal organs began failing one after the other. The adult Hibari Kyoya then instructed her to use the power of her Vongola Ring to sustain her organs through her own illusions. This allowed Chrome to escape any immediate danger, and thus prolonging her life.

Cosplayers Schoki and Hibanator make an excellent Chrome and Kyoya! I love the setting and Kyoya’s fierce attitude! Thanks to Itsuchi, their photographer as well as Miranda for the suggestion!

Streetfest '10 Cosplay

Ooow, it has been like super loooong since I last blogged ! I am getting all rusty, hopes my D90 didn't grow any mushrooms on it.

Now is finally my school holidays. FINALLY! WOOHOO! Okay, it's just one week but am still very happy about it! I am going to bring ALL my K-ON nenodroids out for a nice photoshoot picnic and okay, all the other figures I got from since April. Will write more about my new poly school life soon ! :D

This is Streetfest that is still taking place now at Plaza Singapura's open plaza. The Japanese pop-culture has ended though. There's still some cool punk street stuff going on though!

Durarara! I quite like this anime, it's just so supernatural even the title says so!

I think all the criminals will be very happy to get caught by these three very pretty police girls! :P

Any idea which character is this? Her cosplay is very nice! :D

I think this Kampfer right?

I was wearing a skirt so I cant perform any magnificent stunts so my photos are all kinda straight ^^; next time better wear shorts lol !

I love their dresses, chao kawaii~

Mozilla Firefox, dominating the world once again .

Railgun !

Any idea which character is this too? Her cosplay is very nice also! :D


Saikang Service!
Will look after your bag $1 for 30 mins .

HAHAHA, I was giggling when I asked her for a picture! LOL, she got a great business brain ! Kudos!

hahaha, Gintama is cool! But too bad, I don't like aliens.

This streetfest is actually a small cosplay event but it is very FUN ! There is quite a number of new cosplays and there is this very awesome performance but some J-pop bands! I like Overhit! :D

Streetfest '10 Cosplay

Ooow, it has been like super loooong since I last blogged ! I am getting all rusty, hopes my D90 didn't grow any mushrooms on it.

Now is finally my school holidays. FINALLY! WOOHOO! Okay, it's just one week but am still very happy about it! I am going to bring ALL my K-ON nenodroids out for a nice photoshoot picnic and okay, all the other figures I got from since April. Will write more about my new poly school life soon ! :D

This is Streetfest that is still taking place now at Plaza Singapura's open plaza. The Japanese pop-culture has ended though. There's still some cool punk street stuff going on though!

Durarara! I quite like this anime, it's just so supernatural even the title says so!

I think all the criminals will be very happy to get caught by these three very pretty police girls! :P

Any idea which character is this? Her cosplay is very nice! :D

I think this Kampfer right?

I was wearing a skirt so I cant perform any magnificent stunts so my photos are all kinda straight ^^; next time better wear shorts lol !

I love their dresses, chao kawaii~

Mozilla Firefox, dominating the world once again .

Railgun !

Any idea which character is this too? Her cosplay is very nice also! :D


Saikang Service!
Will look after your bag $1 for 30 mins .

HAHAHA, I was giggling when I asked her for a picture! LOL, she got a great business brain ! Kudos!

hahaha, Gintama is cool! But too bad, I don't like aliens.

This streetfest is actually a small cosplay event but it is very FUN ! There is quite a number of new cosplays and there is this very awesome performance but some J-pop bands! I like Overhit! :D