Friday, March 20, 2009

Flower Lolita

Yah, more lolita. Here is my favorite of my outfits so far.

Blouse: offbrand
Dress: DcastEye
Underskirt: DcastEye
Socks: offbrand.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Otakon 2008 Photos from Eurobeat King

I realized that I never posted photos taken at Otakon 2008 of me and my friend Mike, which were taken by Eurobeat King. If you don't know about Eurobeat King, he is a cosplay photographer who has his own gallery on He goes from con to con taking photos, and his galleries total over 200,000 photos at this point.

We were excited to have him take our photos. I actually learned a lot about posing by looking at these photos and seeing that I looked pretty terrible in some of them.

Here's me. I hate seeing all the things I messed up on/didn't have time to finish in my costume >_> heh. But these are probably my favourite two photos that he took.

I thought Mike looked pretty sweet in his Ashitaka costume. The rooftop was a pretty sweet place for photos to begin with.

That's all for now.